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Start with Water 

Is a 4-part system that helps you by creating space for just

5-minutes a day to strengthen your mind & quiet your spirit.

It's not just meditation...It's Soul Work!


The system consists of: 

    •    32 oz water bottle

Our bodies are 75% water, and Starting with Water begins

the process of aligning your body back to its original state.

It also encourages movement, fluidity and hydration at the

beginning of your day and helps to eliminate toxins.

    •    52 cm buckwheat hull filled, meditation pillow that

says (Seek ye first...  Matthew 6:33). A lot of people have 

heard the scripture Matthew 6:33, but most have no idea

what it looks like to seek God first daily, this system is what it

looks like. Buckwheat hull grounds you, regulates body

temperature, and encourages spinal alignment.  

    •    5-minute hourglass that says (God can do in 5-minutes

what we can’t in a lifetime), we just need to be reminded of

this truth and give Him the 5-minutes.

•    365 Daily Gratitude and Clarity Journal 

There is a scripture at the top of the page that you'll read to

begin the process of renewing your mind and make you

aware of God’s promises. Lastly, there is space to write down

at least 3-5 things that you are grateful for, this keeps you

present and thankful for what you do have as opposed to

focusing on what you don't.

It’s spiritual, soul work, you'll literally be restoring your soul.


Thank you for visiting and my hope is that you'll begin your

Start with Water journey so that stillness and gratitude will

lead you clearly to the path that The Creator had designed for


Let the journey begin.

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